1. TO PREPARE THE SAFFRON: dissolve the saffron threads in a third cup of warm water. Once the threads are dissolved, add it to the risotto, after the first 3 laddles of broth have been absorbed.
2. TO SLOW COOK THE RISOTTO: In the meantime, chop the shallots, mince the garlic and gather the rice, and the olive oil. Heat 2 tbsp of EVOO in a large skillet over medium heat, add the sliced shallots and minced garlic. Cook until the onions become translucent. Add the shrimp, let them cook until the turn pink, remove them from the heat and store them aside. At this point add the rice and a teaspoon of salt.
Let the rice toast slightly before adding 1 more ladle of stock broth. As the broth gets absorbed, keep adding 1 or 2 more ladles, with a wooden spoon stir occasionally the ric. At this point add the saffron and let it absorb, then add 1 or 2 more laddles until the rice is firm to the teeth. It is advisable to not continue stirring the rice, the broth will do its job.
3.TO CREAM THE RISOTTO: Switch off the heat. Please note that during the creaming, the rice will still cook, making it just perfect. If you keep the heat on, the rice will overcook and instead you will have a mushy risotto. Add the unsalted butter, and 2 tbsp of broth. Mix until everything is dissolved.
4.TO PLATE YOUR RISOTTO: You can now plate your risotto, sprinkle it with crushed pepper and chopped parsley, and serve it. MANGIA!